Drawers vs Shelving
Posted on 05 June 2020 by Utemaster

When setting up the inside of a van or a ute you need to decide whether you stick with shelving, drawers or a combination of both.
Shelving is hands down the most flexible option. Here at Utemaster, we design shelving to be easily adjusted or removed when required. This means that your storage space is minimally restricted by it and each technician can find a configuration that works.
The downside to shelving is that it can often become cluttered and messy and if offroad driving objects can sometimes fall off the shelves creating disorganisation and potential damage.
Drawers are awesome for keeping your vehicle organised, they will also help to keep your tools held in place if you are driving offroad.
They will keep your gear stored neatly out of sight and organised as well as give you fast access to otherwise hard-to-reach areas of your van or ute.
The downside to drawers is that they are generally a permanent structure and therefore reduce the flexibility of your internal configuration. This means you need to make sure you set it up properly from day one.
The best option for you will always come down to what you are using the vehicle for but in most cases, the best option is either shelving or a mixture of shelving and drawer units.
We provide a number of different shelving and drawer options and are more than happy to work through with you what is required for your internal fitout. Depending on how your vehicle is being used, we will put forward recommendations on how you can best configure your setup.
Talk to one of our team today to get advice: