Is it possible to carry a Mountain Bike under the Load-Lid?
Posted on 12 February 2024 by Utemaster

Transporting mountain bikes by using a tailgate blanket and loading the wheel over the back of the tailgate is a popular option for ute owners.
We understand that this may be the cheapest option for transporting your bikes however, we do not recommend this solution to transport bikes with the Load-Lid.
This solution can often damage your bike even when using a tailgate blanket.
The angle of the Load-Lid when open reduces the space for the bike to fit in the tub. This will often result in the tailgate damaging the bike's frame.
However, there are plenty of suitable ways that we recommend transporting your mountain bikes with a Load-Lid:
Fork Mounts:
As the Load-Lid is made from aluminium, this makes it easy to drill through and attach fork mounts. This option allows you to transport your bikes on top of the lid by taking the front wheel off.
Frame Mounts:
Frame mounts allow you to keep both wheels on the bike by attaching a mounting system to crossbars which can be done with the Load-Lid by choosing the Destroyer Side Rails, Cross Bars, and Bike Frame Mount accessories.
Towball Rack:
A tow ball rack allows you to put bikes on a carrier which is loaded to the tow ball of your ute leaving the storage space on top and under your lid free for other gear.
You can find out more about each of these options here:
Spec up your Load-Lid to suit your lifestyle here: